OEW tutoring

All markets are driven by long term investor confidence cycles. When the cycle is positive a bull market unfolds, when negative a bear market. The Objective Elliott Wave (OEW) technique not only determines if a market is bullish or bearish, it also determines how far a market has progressed in its current cycle.

OEW is not textbook Elliott Wave. It is a proprietary technique that defines every significant wave within bull and bear markets quantitatively. With this approach one can historically analyze any market to define its most probable wave structure, and determine what the past is projecting about the future. We first uncovered this technique in the early 1980’s when doing an analysis of the entire history of the US stock market. When waves are determined quantitatively/mathematically they never change, past or present.

At that time our analysis led us to believe that a stock market crash was likely in late-1987 to early-1988. Then another bull market would be underway. When the stock market did crash in October 1987, and a new bull market began in late-1987, we knew we had quantified the Elliott Wave Theory.

Over the decades OEW analysis has led to some important projections in a variety of markets. In the US stock market: the correction in 1990, the correction in 1998, the 2000-2002 bear market, the 2002-2007 bull market, the 2007-2009 bear market, then the 2009-2115 bull market,, and the current bull market as well. OEW pinpointed the bull market high in Crude at $148 in 2008. Identified a new bear market in Gold not too far from its 2011 $1900 high. In currencies: OEW tracked the bear market in the USD until 2011, then signaled a new bull market in the USD and bear markets in most other currencies. Now the USD is bearish again. In real estate: OEW identified the bull market top in 2005, and then the bear market bottom in 2011. All of our projections since the year 2005 are detailed – unedited – day by day on this blog.

Bull and bear markets usually last for years. Uptrends and downtrends last for months, and are often mistaken for changes in long term trends. OEW analysis not only confirms when changes in long term trends are occurring, but often projects them ahead of time. OEW tutoring covers the various indices in the US stock market and most foreign markets, along with various technical indicators. It also covers individual stocks, currencies, bonds, commodities, housing, long term asset cycles and the Saeculum. If you are interested in learning how to do this type of analysis yourself, and joining our private international OEW group, please contact us at caldaro@msn.com for details. Best to your trading/investing.

The possession of knowledge, unless accompanied by the manifestation and expression in sharing is a vain and foolish thing. The Law of Use is universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.”

About tony caldaro

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1 Response to OEW tutoring

  1. Thanks to Wisconsin doctor and ABC for answering my question on Thurs blog about what WROC meant. ABC said it was an OEW proprietary tool but Wisconsin said it meant “weekly rate of change”.


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